The meaning and origin of the name Selene


Welcome to our in-depth analysis of the name Selene! Names have a remarkable ability to evoke beauty, mystery, and celestial wonder. In this post, we will take a closer look at the intriguing history, origins, and meanings behind the name Selene. Whether you bear this name, are contemplating it for your little one, or have a passion for exploring the roots and symbolism of names, join us on this linguistic voyage as we unravel the captivating story behind Selene. Prepare to delve into the ancient mythologies and cultures that imbue this name with a sense of lunar enchantment and ethereal grace.


The origins of the name Selene can be traced back to ancient Greek mythology, where Selene was revered as the goddess of the moon. In Greek, the name Selene (Σελήνη) literally means "moon". The ancient Greeks believed that Selene drove her silver chariot across the night sky, illuminating the world with the gentle glow of the moon. This celestial association gives the name Selene a profound and enchanting allure.

In Greek mythology, Selene was often depicted as a beautiful and ethereal goddess, with a serene and mysterious presence. Her role as the personification of the moon reflected her connection to femininity, intuition, and emotional depth. These qualities are often attributed to individuals named Selene, who embody an otherworldly allure and captivating charm.

The significance of the moon in mythology and culture spans across various civilizations. The moon's phases, waxing and waning, were seen as symbols of growth and transformation. Similarly, individuals named Selene often possess a deep sense of personal growth and a natural ability to adapt to life's changes. They have an intuitive understanding of the cyclical nature of life and the importance of embracing each phase with grace.

The name Selene also carries connotations of creativity and inspiration. Just as the moon's gentle light illuminates the darkness of the night, individuals named Selene often have an innate ability to shed light on the world through their artistic endeavors. Their vivid imagination and keen sense of aesthetics allow them to create and appreciate beauty in all its forms, drawing inspiration from both art and the natural world.

Throughout history, the name Selene has remained a symbol of strength and resilience. Like the moon's continuous presence, individuals named Selene possess an inner fortitude that allows them to navigate through life's challenges. They have the ability to bounce back from adversity, harnessing their strength to overcome obstacles and emerge stronger than before. People look to them for support and guidance during difficult times, as they radiate a sense of calmness and stability.

In conclusion, the name Selene finds its roots in Greek mythology and the personification of the moon. Inspired by the goddess Selene's elegance and mystery, individuals named Selene embody the qualities of femininity, intuition, creativity, and resilience. Their connection to the moon symbolizes their ability to bring light, inspiration, and strength to the world around them, making the name Selene a powerful and captivating choice.


The name Selene holds a profound and captivating meaning that reflects the unique qualities of its bearers. Derived from the Greek goddess of the moon, Selene is a name associated with mystique, elegance, and ethereal beauty. Those bestowed with the name Selene often possess an otherworldly charm and grace that draws people in. A significant aspect of the meaning behind the name Selene is its connection to the moon and its symbolism. The moon has long been revered across cultures as a symbol of intuition, femininity, and emotional depth. Similarly, individuals named Selene often exhibit these characteristics, exuding a sense of deep intuition and emotional intelligence. They have a profound understanding of their own emotions and are skilled at reading and empathizing with the feelings of others. People named Selene are often seen as beacons of calmness and serenity, acting as a guiding light for those around them. Much like the moon's gentle glow, they bring a sense of peace and stability to their relationships and the world they inhabit. Furthermore, the name Selene is also associated with creativity and imagination. Just as the moon shines its light on the darkness of the night, individuals named Selene possess a unique ability to shed light on the world through their creative endeavors. They often have a vivid and imaginative mind, finding inspiration in the world around them and translating their thoughts and emotions into artistic expression. Whether it be through visual arts, music, writing, or any other form of creative outlet, Selene's bearers have the potential to captivate and inspire others. They possess a natural inclination towards aesthetics and a deep appreciation for the beauty found in both art and nature. The name Selene also embodies a sense of strength and resilience. While the moon may wax and wane, it always returns, shining brightly even after the darkest of nights. Similarly, individuals named Selene often possess an inner strength and resilience that allows them to navigate through the ups and downs of life with grace and determination. They have a deep-rooted sense of self-belief and the ability to bounce back from challenges, emerging stronger and more resilient than before. Selene's bearers are often seen as pillars of strength by those around them, offering support and guidance during difficult times. Their endurance and perseverance serve as an inspiration to others, reminding them of the unlimited potential that lies within. In conclusion, the name Selene encompasses the qualities of intuition, creativity, and strength. Individuals named Selene embody a sense of ethereal beauty and grace, often serving as a source of inspiration and guidance for others. Whether it is through their deep emotional intelligence, their artistic expression, or their inner strength and resilience, those with the name Selene leave a lasting impact on the world around them. The name Selene serves as a reminder of the extraordinary qualities and inherent power that resides within those who bear it, encapsulating their remarkable essence.